Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Youtube is truly the one website that has it all. If it has been done, it’s on Youtube. The variety of videos you can find on Youtube is astounding. Anyone, anywhere who has access to a camera and the internet can upload whatever they want on to Youtube for the world to see. This makes for countless hours of entertainment or it can make for countless wasted hours watching someone put a cell phone in a blender or lip sing to Brittney Spears. Youtube also provides a way for people to discuss issues that the media may not cover for controversial reasons. It also gives the average person an outlet to make a difference in the world on a large scale.

In the video THE OBSCENITY OF WAR PROJECT, an average guy named Mikey uses a unique approach to raise money for disabled war veterans. By doing this he is calling attention to an issue that many people overlook. In his video he explains that Youtube has the potential to change the world and that it is time for people to start taking advantage of that potential. Almost 30,000 people from all over the world watched his video. In a four minute and twenty second long video Mikey was able to propose an idea to the world and get results. So far The Obscenity of War Project has raised over $6,000.

I think this video is useful because it is short, straight to the point, entertaining,
and gets something accomplished. There were no commercial breaks, anchor men, stage lights, or camera crews but the message in this video was effective and got to the public.


1 comment:

Maureen said...

Great video! I had never seen it before, and I found it his approach to be unique.
